Monday, 15 April 2013

Megue Bondoki Evaluation Write up

1. In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media texts?

 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our media product challenges forms of media conventions in various ways ,Firstly as a group before we started anything we had to plan everything out which included research for the base of the music video, This helped us to outline what we wanted to put in the music video and this helped us with the story line of the music video.In real music video's they have a base which helps with the narrative of the video.I think that our video challenged real media text because , the video we created had a story line which involved linear structure which relates to l music video's today. During our research we watched many Rihanna video's to get an idea of what she is about we found out that she portrays herself as a sexual object in various video's also as a bad girl and within this there are many fragmentation of her body being shown which is seen in almost all of her video's.We used what we found in our research which was relevant to the New Rihanna we were going to create but gave it a twist we didn't use fragmentation of Rihanna sexually but we used them to show her child likeness and her vulnerability and also her emotions we also did this with various camera angles and shots for more intensity.

The music video challenged forms of conventions of real media texts because it portrayed the artist Rihanna as a vulnerable naive being rather than a sexual object or a bad girl which is what she is usually seen as  in her music video's .This was to help us gain a wider audience ,  we felt that if we portrayed Rihanna differently different groups of people would be able to relate to her.We researched and found out that Rihanna is the Tenth most popular artist world wide, so by portraying Rihanna differently we thought we could arise her popularity.We wanted to gain back the fans that she had in her album Music of the sun which was her first album when she was young.

Since we wanted to portray Rihanna differently we used a green screen because we came to the conclusion that it was something that we could keep with is seen in many of her famous videos.We wanted the green screen to be symbolic to the viewers watching the video and we also wanted it to have a relation to the artist so therefore we used famous places in America.The scene was black and white to show that it was something that had happened before and this is something we also learned from researching different videos.

The genre of the music video was R&B which is very popular genre for many artist such as Justin Bieber, One Direction and many more.

Our album cover linked to the Video ,  the album shows lightness and darkness which portrays life and death which takes place in our music video,The red and black rose on the album cover also shows life an death.
We created a website which featured everything that an artist website features such as tour dates , pictures , songs , videos , social network.We gained help with this by looking at Rihanna's real websites and other celebrities such as Beyonce.
We also created a radio spot where her single was released fro the first time,this helped make the audience aware.

Last of all we made an TV show called TRL which included Rihanna being welcome to a live TV show where she spoke about her album and told the audience why she wanted to portray herself differently and she also answered various questions.

The Combination of our main product and ancillary text that we used for a our music video was effective because in the video we made Rihanna look ore classy than sexy which prevented controversy.This was effective because any girls could relate to the Rihanna we had created and her story.
The  MTV show we created helped the viewers to experience the real Rihanna behind the scenes being herself.In addition the website we created which included what her real website feature was to keep the fans updated on what was going on with Rihanna when her tour were going to and her twitter.

3.What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Well the audience feedback has helped us improve our work to a better standard,Because when we created the first album cover any of our peers didn't find it appealing with their advice we managed to create a good one which related to the music video.The audience told us that the music video we had created linked very well to the lyrics of the song.The audience noticed the change we did to Rihanna and thought it was a good idea they also liked the way we didn't use Rihanna throughout the whole video and how she didn't act and someone else did for a change, because they got to feel what the actress was feeling without knowing anything about her.The audience felt that the music video was like a story and had a  great narrative. I feel that the audience were extremely important and they had a very necessary role in our video , they helped with allowing to se our video in other point of view and take our mistakes into consideration.

 The audience were the ones who gave us the idea of the characters death at the end to create intensity.

4. How did your media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We used many different media technologies to come up with ideas for the music video.Research as surveys helped us create the video to the standards it is. ,spider diagrams , brainstorms helped us set out or ideas and pick the ones we were going to use.We used YOUTUBE  for our research on music video's we took notes on what was repeated in Rihanna videos so we could portray the opposite.We looked at different artist video's to see how they used a linear structure in their video's to give us an idea.On YOUTUBE we watched any live TV shows such as 106&park which welcomes celebrities to release their new singles or albums, This helped us create our MTV show.We also used YOUTUBE to post the blog post we created to keep a track of our progress.
 BLOGGER is what we have been using ever since the start of this to record all our blog posts that we had to create for the planning of the Music video.
 PREMIER is the main software we used which helped us create the video that we had created, this is the software that we sued to edit the video.

TWITTER and CELEBRITY WEBSITES  such as Beyonce website which i mentioned before helped us with the concept of our website and to know ore about the real artist Rihanna herself based on the information she tweets.
 FACEBOOK and TWITTER  helped us gain feedback for our video by posting survey's to involve the audience. 
POWERPOINT PRESENTATION we used this to write some of the information we were going to post on the blog as a ruff copy.
GARAGE BAND we used this software to create the radio spot, this helped us rather than recording it normally this software made it sound realistic.   

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