Monday, 17 September 2012

Planning - 70s Glam Rock

During the 1970s, the controversy of homosexuality came to light. Certain artist was making music videos including some sort of homosexual activity.
This could be that a man is dressed as women, sexual activities taking place, nudity etc. In continuation glam rock started to spread, this was a style of rock and pop which developed in the UK, which was performed by singers and musicians who wore outrageous clothes, makeup and hairstyles. Such artist were; Queen, Mac Bolan, David Bowie etc. In continuation, promotional videos were still continuing to grow. 

In continuation, during the 1970s the style of glam rock was seemed controversal to some audieneces.  This was the issue of artist dressing and behaving in a certain way in their music videos. This controversy, as mentioned before, was homosexuality. An example of a controversal video is David Bowie's Life on Mars video.

This music video is seemed to be controversal because in the music video, David Bowie is dressed in a light blue suit with heavy make-up and hair style. It almost makes him look like a female. People would have found this disturbing because he was a man and the fact he wanted to almost to be portrsayed as a women was a weird behaviour. Although people would have found he music video controversal, the song itself would have sold a lot of copies. This is because when people see something controversal, they hardly forget that moment. Well as watching a music video that is normal and not controversal will be easily forgotten.

Even throughout the music video David Bowie is just standing in one space and singing, the rememberal part is what he is wearing and how he looks like. In general David Bowie would of liked the idea of cotrovesy issues accuring about hes videos.

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