Monday, 22 October 2012

Planning-Fool in Love - Write up

Fool in Love - Rihanna 
Music Video Plot

As a group we decided to choose Rihanna as our Artist, we have also used her because the song “Fool in Love” explains how a girl can be foolishly in love that she will do anything. We decided to start off with the female being seated near the window in tears with a medium close up; whilst she writes a letter to her parents about this guy she is so in love with as she writes it is fast motion. The letter is shown through her shoulders saying “Pap he’s quite a man” and then a transition to a fade to white and the letter is blurred. The flashback will be signified with black and white scenes that will start of with her talking to her dad and she says, “He adores me, he’s my biggest fan”. The scene moves on to reflect the words she had just said with presents and cards “But somehow he’s flawless in mine”. The song continues to play and then we see the female running through a pathway that leads to a dead end with a light in the middle shining: we’re too far down the hole”. 

The next scene shows the girl wrapped around herself with an ‘I LOVE NEW YORK’ top, “He has a hold on my soul”. The next scene shows the girl doodling around a piece of paper with fast motion, this signifies how foolishly in love she is. Her friends are at the door knocking and she is till in the room crying for this guy. As she is still in there she remembers their trip to New York with her guy, this will involve the green screen.  The next scene shows her paper on the floor leading up to her, she has the bible in her hand seeking for hope and understanding from her parents this symbolises the controversy within Christian with a half and half screen mum and the female. The next scene shows how her dad and her hold hands and then they suddenly let go to show, that her dad is disappointed by her for choosing to this guy.” I know this wont make you proud Papa, did I let you down? Are you ashamed of how your little girl turned out?.

This scene show horror as the female says “You see a monster” and straight away we see a flash of a monstery image that is mysterious that enlarges for 3 seconds and then she says but “I see a smile” and we show a smile of a guy and the guy says I Love you. The camera then shakes and the girl is getting strangled by the guy. The girl then finally texts someone we dont know how she texts because the text is blurred and so is the recipent. The song that finally continues to play and the music stops and the parents and the guy knock on the door  as they knock the door opens and they find the girl dead with a syringe on the floor we then see the girls face for the first time. The scene ends with the rose dropping to the floor in slow motion.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Planning - Interview - Research Demographic (Target audience)

We made a video that allowed us to see what out target audience really thought about Music Videos in general we asked two boys and one girl. We will use the information to construct our Music Video all the information here will try and append to ours

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Planning - Rihanna-Plays By

We have done research to find out how many times Rihanna's songs have been played this shows that Rihanna has been played from July to October. However here we can clearly see that the highest amount of plays is in  early september because this is when rihanna's new song was released this means that Rihanna will get more plays when she releases a new album. Even though Rihanna gets more plays when she releases a new song, she still has a lot of fans listening to her music

Monday, 8 October 2012

Planning - Rihanna (Fan Location)

Rihanna's Fans Locations

According to some research i did on Music metric i found out Rihanna's Fans locations.Her biggest fan base is in the United states where she lives, then its Canada then the UK.From this research i found out that more people from The United States listen to Rihanna's music then other countries, so as a group we will try and cater to their needs.

So we are going to use American merchandise to attract the american audience such as a character wearing an I love New York top , we are also going to have english merchandise to also attract the english audience such as Big Ben green screen.

Planning - Rihanna (Gender Distribution)

This graph shows that gender is massive part of Rihanna, we can see that Rihanna has more Female fans than Male Fans. This means that we should add more feminine stuff on our music video, this means that we can add like make up , clothes, shopping, hair products etc. Things that females would like to see on our video, even though there are still male fans it shows that we can add male parts but to a minimum. We could add things that females go through such as break ups  and relationships probably this is how we can add the male parts to our video.

Planning - Rihanna Social Media

As shown below, within the social media networks Facebook has the most Rihanna fans. Twitter then follows Facebook in the rank. By looking at this information we can use it in our planning of the music video.  Firstly we know that our target audience are Facebook, so it would be easy for us to relate to them since they are from our age group. This would also help us with the promotion of our music video  because we know people we watch it because its one of Rihanna's songs. We would not try to promote our music  video on twitter because we can see from the results that it does have as much viewers as Facebook.

Planning - Rihanna (Fans)

As we can see through this graph that the amount of fans that Rihanna have varied from August from October. We can tell that fans have chosen their time to listen to Rihanna as we can see that in October the number of fans was over 800k, August ranged below 200k September lies in this category.
In October we know that Rihanna has released a new Single called Diamonds written by Sia who has been getting number 1 in the charts, we think that the reason behind Rihanna's number 1is the fact that Sia wrote the song.

We have also noticed that it depends when a song is released that allows fans to then listen to their song and keep tweeting, face-booking etc. Rihanna hasn't released a new single for her fans which keep her fans below 100k during August to September, we think she may have been on tour during this time.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Planning - Rihanna Sentiment

As shown below we can see that Rihanna is nearest to the middle when it coms to web mentions. The screen shot shows the breakdown of the setiment of web mentions of Rihanna. At this point it shows that Rihanna is still getting positive mentions on the web. This is good for Rihanna because the public like and enjoy her music at the moment, which means an icrease in sales, in which sje has just released her latest album. Although the pointers on the positive side, it still shows shes not always getting good mentions. As a group we want to make a Rihanna music video, we feel this would help us with our plaaning, since we know the majority of the public are spreading good mentions. We can now use this information into to our planning by including more aspects that relate to Rihanna.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Planning - Rihanna (Musicmetro rank)

We have done research to see where Rihanna ranks in artist and it shows that Rihanna ranks at number 10 in the most successful artist. this shows that Rihanna is the tenth most successful artist which has grown from yesterday when she was 17th. this shows that because she is successful, we need to make the music video up to a good standard so that Rihanna can go up for number 10 to number 1. We have also noticed that recently Rihanna is 7th worldwide. This also means that it is easier for people to recognise her globally; She is a guaranteed money maker production companies would be lucky to have her signed because she is a like a safe product, there are no limits as to what you can do with her.

Planning - Rihanna Age distribution

Before making the music video for Rihanna, we have done some research to see what the age distribution for Rihanna is. In the research, we found out that most of Rihanna's fans are between the ages of 18 and 24 with 18.13% of them male and 41.94% of them female. This shows that most of her fans are females age 18-24 mainly age 21 which means that we have to make sure that our music video is aimed to this age group and gender. This age also falls into our age group which is convenient because we know our age group more than anyone else which means that we would know more than anybody what to put in the music video.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Planning - Survey link on Facebook

Below is a screen shot of our group survey link on Facebook. We chose to put the link on Facebook because we know that our target audience uses it. Our target audience is based on our age groups, this makes it easier for is to relate to the. We hope by putting our survey link on Facebook, we would get as much response. In addition, we hope in future time to post our music video on Facebook so we can get as many views and feed back as we can. 

Planning - Survey monkey Questions

The screen shots below are of the survey we made on survey monkey. We included ten questions which is mainly based about music videos. We hope by creating a questionnaire will help us to get good responses which we hope to use those responses as ideas for the making of our music video.